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What lies beyond the moment of our death
When we have taken flight as startled birds do fly,
Left our bodies motionless, cold and graying pale,
An undertaker lowers our eyelids,
After which all come to pay their last respects
Then burry it beneath the sod of God.

What is that moment like when we do take our leave?
Can we look back upon the instant of our death?
Can we see ahead to where we're entering,
See those who have before us gone this way,
Meet and greet and know we can't go back.
We're here wherever this here may be at.

How far away is where we end up to?
Is it out in space or is it deep inside?
Is it material, spiritual, invisible as wind?
What triggers all our souls to take to flight?
How do they know when its time to go?
Oh, the many questions we seek answers for,
Not knowing what lies ahead when we go and die.

What lies beyond the moment that we go
To whatever place that we don't even know?
Can we look back into the life we left
Or is it wiped cleaned from our memories?
Do we lose desires to even know
What lies beyond the moment of our death?

W.C.Hull © 200543